6 Ways Outbound Sales Helps Inbound Leads Grow

6 Ways Outbound Sales Helps Inbound Leads Grow
6 Ways Outbound Sales Helps Inbound Leads Grow

Anyone involved in sales knows that there’s a never-ending discussion surrounding outbound vs inbound techniques and approaches. Especially if you’re representing a small B2B company trying to grow and reach more customers, it may feel at times like you’re the main character in Columbus Deluxe, trying to discover new territories.

Use Outbound Sales to Define Your Content Marketing Strategy

  • Determine which direction to choose for content marketing by figuring out what made the contacted customers buy your product/service
  • Use the information gathered from outbound to optimize your content strategy and help customers that reach your website organically have a smoother way towards conversion

Use Outbound to Define the Buyer’s Journey

An outbound sales representative can use specific questions to determine who’s the decision-maker in a company and roughly figure out the process taking place before making the decision. Find out the following details about the buyer’s journey:

  • Where do the customers look for more information before deciding to buy your product/service?
  • What are the main things they wanted to know before making a decision (what questions did they ask)?

Outbound Sales Can Help Identify Inbound Strategy Inconsistencies

  • Use inbound to fill in the information gaps and identify potential problems in your inbound strategy based on the answers you get from current and potential customers
  • For this strategy to work, you need to use all the collected data properly
  • Have a good analyst in your team to centralize the answers and expose issues

Outbound activity increases traffic to your website

  • Customers that didn’t decide on the spot to buy will visit your website to get more info or double-check the facts your outbound team offered
  • This results in increased organic traffic to the website, a better SEO ranking, and an increased chance to reach more leads

Outbound Contacts are Ideal for Retargeting

  • Use the outbound contacts to ad retarget with PPC
  • Including unconverted clients from outbound campaigns on a PPC strategy increases the chance of conversion
  • By seeing your ad, they will access the website and you’ll get a new chance at turning them into buying customers

Define Your Ideal Customer Profile through Outbound Sales

  • Knowing who you’re addressing will help you optimize your marketing processes to cater to those that have more interest in what you’re selling
  • The most important factors that contribute to the  Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) are: industry company size, annual revenue, main customers, operation longevity
  • Include these in your outbound sales conversations to sketch the ideal customer profile while attempting a sale and gain useful information for your inbound strategy
