Can We Hack Photosynthesis to Feed the World?

Can We Hack Photosynthesis to Feed the World?

Crop scientist Steve Long discusses the potential of enhancing photosynthesis to combat global food insufficiency and climate change in this insightful podcast.

The Efficiency Gap in Photosynthesis

Most productive crops only achieve about one-fifth of the potential efficiency of photosynthesis.

This gap presents an opportunity to improve crop yields significantly, particularly in regions facing food insufficiency.

By boosting photosynthesis we can relieve the risk of food insufficiency for some of the most vulnerable. – Steve Long

Complexity of Improving Photosynthesis

Enhancing photosynthesis is a complex process involving over 100 steps, each facilitated by different proteins coded by various genes.

To identify improvement areas, scientists built a digital twin using differential equations, borrowing methods from rocket science.

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