Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too Much to Do (And More Life to Live) – Eve Rodsky

Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too Much to Do (And More Life to Live) – Eve Rodsky
Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too Much to Do (And More Life to Live) – Eve Rodsky

In ‘Fair Play: A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too Much to Do (And More Life to Live),’ Eve Rodsky provides a practical and innovative system for rebalancing domestic workloads and achieving greater partnership at home. Drawing from her background as a mediator and organizational management consultant, Rodsky has developed a method to structure and divide household tasks in an equitable fashion, which can be adapted to any family’s needs.

The Invisible Work Issue

Rodsky highlights the issue of ‘invisible work’ in the home, which often includes organization, communication, and mental labor.

These tasks disproportionately fall on women, resulting in an uneven distribution of domestic responsibilities, increased stress, and negative impacts on relationships.

Communication and Feedback

Open communication and constructive feedback help maintain balance and ensure smooth task execution.

Rodsky encourages couples to establish regular check-ins and use the opportunity to discuss workload, voice concerns, and suggest improvements to the system.

Prioritizing Self-Care

Rodsky advocates for the importance of self-care, emphasizing that both partners must find time for relaxation and personal development.

Allocating time to recharge is crucial for maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Impact Beyond the Household

Implementing ‘Fair Play’ can have a ripple effect that extends beyond the home.

Balanced partnerships promote gender equality, lessen parenting burdens, and pave the way for stronger work-life integration, contributing to an overall improvement in well-being and societal progress.

Understanding Values and Commitments

Rodsky emphasizes the importance of identifying and discussing core values and commitments within the family.

By understanding each other’s priorities, couples can develop a mutual understanding and empathy, leading to a healthier balance of responsibilities.

A Card Game Solution

To address this imbalance, Rodsky designs a card game called ‘Fair Play,’ which assigns specific household tasks in the form of cards to each partner.

By openly discussing and dividing these responsibilities, couples can navigate and renegotiate their roles at home more effectively.

Mapping Out Time

Scheduling and managing time is crucial for effective task allocation.

Rodsky suggests the use of a shared calendar system to track responsibilities and ensure that both partners are aware of the expectations and requirements of each task.

Trial and Error

Rodsky acknowledges that no system is perfect from the outset and that implementing ‘Fair Play’ requires a willingness to adapt and make adjustments over time.

Couples should approach the process with patience and the understanding that continual refinement will help achieve equilibrium.

Four Essential Rules

The ‘Fair Play’ system consists of four key rules: Reclaim, Divide, Delegate, and Implement.

By following these rules, couples can assess their values and priorities, effectively divide tasks, and ensure that the execution of the work is equitable and sustainable.

Mind Management and Ownership

Central to successful task distribution is the concept of ‘ownership.’ Each partner takes full responsibility for their assigned tasks, including planning, execution, and follow-up.

This approach reduces the mental load on one partner and encourages collaboration and communication.
