How Badly Do You Need Customer Service Videos For Your Business?

How Badly Do You Need Customer Service Videos For Your Business?
How Badly Do You Need Customer Service Videos For Your Business?

Your customers want a quick and reliable resolution for their woes. You need to consider providing customer service videos to help them fix their problem as fast as possible. Here are more reasons why your business needs a customer service video. You will see how it can benefit your business.

Provide Instant Solutions to Any Issues

Text-based answers tend to make people go back and forth with the support team because the first explanation is insufficient to resolve the problem.

  • Provide a customer service video that thoroughly explains your products and how to fix a problem to solve the root problem from the first conversation.

Lower Customer Service Costs

Use a customer service video instead of investing a lot of money to hire more support staff

  • You can post the video on your FAQ page so people can easily access it 24/7 or have your support team provide the URL to everyone who contacts them
  • It will be more efficient than typing thousands of words or discussing it over the phone
  • Service videos also allow you to deliver information to customers in any language and with subtitles

Gain new customers

A customer service video increases your chances of gaining new customers.

Reduce the customer drop-off rate

82% of customers can’t stand a business that does not offer a quick and immediate resolution

  • Use a customer service video to meet people’s expectations of getting a fast and responsive solution to fix their issues
  • A video will satisfy them because the solution is instantaneous
  • They will feel that you do care about their problem and listen to their complaint


There are endless benefits from speeding up the resolution process to attracting new customers when you generate a customer service video. It is advantageous to your company in terms of satisfaction rate and company expense.

Improve customer satisfaction rate

A failure to resolve a customer’s problem quickly is one of the top reasons customers are not satisfied with a brand. Improve on this by using customer service videos to help solve their problems.

  • 89% of individuals tend to make another purchase from the same brand after experiencing positive customer service. It helps enhance customer retention by 5%.
  • When businesses prioritize excellent customer experiences, they can generate sales between 4% and 8% higher than their market.
