How Can I Be More Productive At Work?

How Can I Be More Productive At Work?

Some simple methods to quickly increase your productivity at work. You can also use these methods in your personal life. It’s a win/win for both you and your boss. Here are some simple methods that will help you be more productive at work and personal life as well.

Winning Habits

Set up winning habits that form the basis of your day, every day.

Eat That Frog

Tackle your hardest, ugliest task first

Completing Tasks

Manage your time per task by assigning a number of Pomodoro’s to each task.

Piece It All Together

Review and remove wanted time in your day and replace it with tasks that add more value


Once you have removed the waste from your day and identified new gaps in time you need to know how to fill them. Fill those gaps with productive activity to stop you going back to old ways

Review. Remove. Replace.

These three words form the absolute bedrock of any change in life, lifestyle, or habit

How Do I Structure My New Day?

There are no hard and fast rules to this, mainly because each job is different and some days you will need to flex to meet changing demands.

When Are You Most Productive?

Larks are more productive in the morning (known as larks) and owls in the evening/nighttime

Review how your day is spent

Record how you spend your time each day


Take out all of the waste you have found from the days you captured your time. What could you have done with that spare time instead?


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