How space debris created the world’s largest garbage dump

How space debris created the world’s largest garbage dump

Imagine a landfill, but in the vast expanse of outer space. Space debris, the remnants of human exploration and exploitation, has transformed the cosmos into the world's largest garbage dump. Let's delve into the gravity of this issue.

Space debris orbiting Earth

Space debris is any human-made object that’s currently orbiting Earth.

The ESA-funded ClearSpace-1 mission aims to be the first mission to successfully remove space debris from orbit

The goal is to launch a satellite into orbit and rendezvous with the upper stage of Europe’s Vega launcher, which was left in space after a 2013 flight

Space debris: Trashing a planet

Space debris includes all human-made objects, big and small, that are orbiting Earth but no longer serve a useful function

A classic tragedy of the commons

Space debris is everyone’s problem, but no one entity is obligated to solve it

An Outsized Problem

Space debris of any size poses grave threats to spacecraft.

Cleaning up space debris

Most agree on one strategy: get rid of the big stuff first

The Kessler syndrome

As space becomes increasingly packed with spacecraft and debris, collisions become more likely

The promise and peril of satellite mega-constellations

Space organizations have recently begun launching satellites into low Earth orbit at an unprecedented pace


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