Life on the Frontlines of War Reporting | Jane Ferguson

Life on the Frontlines of War Reporting | Jane Ferguson

In this insightful talk, seasoned journalist Jane Ferguson sheds light on the changing face of war reporting, highlighting the significant role women have played in this field.

She shares her experiences from nearly two decades of reporting hostilities across Africa and the Middle East, emphasizing how female journalists have brought a unique perspective to global war stories.

Women’s Role in War Reporting

Women have been at the forefront of war reporting for over a century, with figures like Martha Gellhorn, Clare Hollingworth and Christiane Amanpour serving as professional role models.

Today, many war zones are predominantly reported by women.

Impact on War Narratives

The increase in female war reporters has significantly influenced how wars are perceived globally.

The kinds of stories covered and angles taken have evolved due to their presence, challenging traditional notions that they should avoid ‘women’s issues’ or ‘softer topics’.

Shifts in Coverage Focus

Recent years have seen a shift towards more human-centric coverage rather than just focusing on geopolitics or national security issues.

This is particularly evident in reports from Afghanistan where female journalists are elevating civilian voices by profiling everyday individuals affected by conflicts.

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