Mass Psychosis: How An Entire Population Becomes Stupid & How To Get Ahead Of Everyone | Dan Ariely | Tom Bilyeu Podcast

Mass Psychosis: How An Entire Population Becomes Stupid & How To Get Ahead Of Everyone | Dan Ariely | Tom Bilyeu Podcast

This enlightening discussion with Dan Ariely delves into the complexity of human rationale, the impact of misinformation, and the phenomenon of mass psychosis.

The conversation explores the role of emotions, cognitive simplification, and the comfort of misbelief in influencing human behavior, particularly in the face of global conflicts and societal pressures.

Emotion vs Rationality

Emotions often overshadow rational thought, especially in stressful situations or under societal pressures.

This is because society is designed to trigger emotions more readily than cognitive thought processes.

This emotional dominance can lead to irrational behavior and beliefs, creating a mass psychosis scenario.

Group Identity and Extreme Views

People often express extreme views or make false statements to signal their identity and gain acceptance within a group.

Over time, these statements can become accepted truths within the group, further reinforcing misbeliefs.

Cognitive Dissonance and Misinformation

Cognitive dissonance, the discomfort experienced when one’s beliefs conflict with new information, often results in the rejection of the new information and reinforcement of existing beliefs.

This can further entrench misinformation and incorrect beliefs within a group.

Cognitive Biases and Beliefs

Cognitive biases, such as confirmation bias and motivated reasoning, play a significant role in shaping people’s beliefs.

People tend to seek out information that confirms their existing beliefs and distort facts to fit their narratives, leading to overconfidence in unjustified beliefs.

Ostracism and Misinformation

Feelings of ostracism can lead people to seek out supportive communities, often online, where they can express extreme views to gain acceptance.

This can lead to the spread of misinformation and the reinforcement of incorrect beliefs.

The more violent your country, the more conspiracy theories you’re likely to believe in. Because violence creates stress and it’s not as if people can say- oh this stress belongs to violence no it’s just a accumulates. – Dan Ariely

Cognitive Simplification

Brains naturally simplify the world around us by breaking down complex information into manageable pieces.

However, this cognitive simplification can lead to misinterpretation or misunderstanding of situations, resulting in potential misbeliefs.

This is a universal human tendency, irrespective of one’s level of knowledge or understanding.

Comfort in Misbelief

During times of stress or overwhelm, individuals often seek comfort in familiar narratives and patterns, even if they are based on misinformation or conspiracy theories.

This can reinforce their misbeliefs and further distance them from reality, contributing to the spread of mass psychosis.

Erosion of Resilience

Factors such as economic inequality are leading to a decrease in societal resilience, making individuals less likely to seek help from their community and more susceptible to stress and misbelief.

This vulnerability can be exploited by misinformation, contributing to the rise of mass psychosis.

Social Media and Misinformation

Social media platforms play a significant part in the propagation of misinformation and the reinforcement of misbeliefs.

The rapid spread of information on these platforms can overwhelm individuals, making it difficult for them to differentiate between truth and falsehood, thereby increasing their susceptibility to misbelief.

Stress and Misattribution

Stress or fear can significantly influence our actions and decisions.

For instance, individuals may misattribute their stress-induced physiological responses to other emotions, leading to potential misbeliefs and irrational behavior.

Violence and Conspiracy Theories

There is a direct correlation between the levels of violence in a country and the number of conspiracy theories believed by its citizens.

This suggests that high stress levels, often resulting from violence, can lead to increased susceptibility to misinformation and misbelief.

Critical Thinking and Open-mindedness

Understanding the psychological and societal factors that can lead to mass psychosis and misbelief is crucial.

This knowledge can help individuals navigate through misinformation and maintain a clear understanding of reality.

It underscores the importance of critical thinking and open-mindedness in dealing with complex global conflicts and the abundance of information available online.


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