Master Customer Obsession: Build Products Customers Can't Live Without​

A practical 4-weeks course on building customer centric products

The old ways of building products are dead. Generative AI is changing the game, and if you don’t adapt, you’ll get crushed.

Founders, product managers, leaders, marketers – to win in the next decade, you need an unwavering focus on the customer. You need a practical plan that keeps up with their ever-changing needs.

Next cohort starts Aug.
Product Management isn't just a role but a function that helps build and grow the fly wheel of a business, in a predictable way.

This course, led by Ashish Sinha - one of the OGs of product management brings you actionable insights into building a great product-led business, spanning topics like customer development, finding PMF, building and scaling MVPs and more.

The product management function is getting disrupted by AI - and is a call for current product leaders to go back to the basics (first principle thinking? naah..much foundational than that) and mix it with the power of AI.

Highlights of the product management course

Learn to build market-winning products.

  • Focused on the product management function, not just the role
    (e.g. in companies like Zerodha, there are no product manager roles, but the product management function is performed by a team of founders, engg leaders)
  • Only for practicing product / engg roles or founders
    The course is for the ones who are already performing the PM function (one way or other) and need to up their game and take things to the next level.
    To be clear - this course is not for freshers who are looking at entering PM role.
  • AI integration: Learn to use AI tools effectively to scale up the PM function.
  • 4 weeks long
  • Live classes
  • Led by Ashish Sinha + industry practitioners.
  • Opens up a network of lifetime opportunities.

The product management course starts Aug end and will soon open up for enrolment.

Got questions? Ask us.