Lets You Share Your Shopping Recommendations

Shopping recommendations from trusted network can work great for the shopper and the shop. ShopSocially is a startup building shopping recommendation engine on top of your social graph. ShopSocially lets you login using FB connect and then talk about your shopping.

As a user you can either ask a question regarding any product or share your review on product that you’ve just purchased. ShopSocially gives you an option of poking your friends for advise and also control who gets to see what. The whole user interface is very intuitive. Once you start, you will automatically find out the next steps. Purchase sharing is also simple, where you can either key in the product name or just share the product link.

ShopSoically is using the game theory with activity based badges to encourage users to contribute. In this case users might contribute even otherwise to queries as the question is coming from a friend. The main challenge could be getting users to share their purchases. ShopSocially is trying to address the issue by getting space in the checkout pages of shopping portals where the users could be encouraged to announce their purchase by the portal itself.

The team at ShopSocially seems strong and experienced. They closed a round of $1.1Mn in series A funding last month.

Give ShopSocially a spin and share your views.

[Naman is a startup enthusiast and has worked with couple of Indian startups as Product Manager. He is the founder of FindYogi]

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