The Synergist – Les McKeown

The Synergist – Les McKeown
The Synergist – Les McKeown

“The Synergist” presents a model of team dynamics that identifies the roles played by different types of team members, including visionaries, operators, processors, and synergists, and explains how to leverage each person’s strengths to achieve better outcomes for the team.

The Visionary

Visionaries are creative, big-picture thinkers who excel at generating new ideas and imagining future possibilities. However, they can sometimes struggle to follow through on their ideas and need the support of a synergist to make them a reality.

The Power of Diversity

A diverse team that includes people with different backgrounds, perspectives, and skill sets can be a tremendous asset to an organization. However, it’s important to have a synergist who can help manage the challenges that can arise when people with different viewpoints come together.

The Need for Agility

In today’s fast-paced business environment, teams need to be agile and able to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. A synergist can help teams stay nimble and responsive by fostering a culture of innovation and encouraging experimentation.

The Path to High Performance

To achieve high performance, teams need to have a clear sense of purpose, a shared vision of success, and a culture of accountability. A synergist can help create this environment by fostering trust, promoting communication, and building strong relationships among team members.

The Four Horsemen

The Four Horsemen of team dysfunction are lack of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, and avoidance of accountability. These issues can undermine team performance and create a toxic work environment if left unchecked.

The Operator

Operators are the doers of the team, responsible for executing tasks and making things happen. They can sometimes get bogged down in the details and need the guidance of a synergist to help them prioritize and stay focused.

The Synergist’s Toolkit

Synergists use a variety of tools and techniques to bring out the best in their team, including active listening, conflict resolution skills, and the ability to provide constructive feedback. They also understand the importance of celebrating wins and recognizing individual contributions to the team’s success.

The Importance of Alignment

For a team to be successful, every member needs to be aligned with the team’s goals and priorities. A synergist can help ensure that everyone is working toward the same objectives and that each person’s contributions are valued and recognized.

The Processor

Processors are analytical thinkers who excel at breaking down complex problems into manageable parts. However, they can sometimes struggle to see the big picture and need the perspective of a synergist to help them understand how their work fits into the larger context.

The Synergist

Synergists are the glue that holds teams together, bringing out the best in each team member and fostering a sense of collaboration and shared purpose. They are excellent communicators who excel at building relationships and creating a positive team culture.
