Top 10 Elon Musk Productivity Secrets for Insane Success

Top 10 Elon Musk Productivity Secrets for Insane Success

The top 10 productivity secrets of Elon Musk and how you can apply them to your daily life. You have 1 free member-only story left this month. Click here to get it.Elon Musk is a smarter than average individual and has enormous ambition and drive. But us-mere mortals can incorporate some of his productivity secrets into our daily lives

Apply This Productivity Secret

First principles is about getting to the root cause of the problem by breaking down the problem into its basic elements

Apply This Productivity Secret

Gather your team and solicit feedback about a particular product, feature, management style, business process, or anything that you are currently trying to improve

Reason from First Principles

A first principle is a basic assumption that can’t be deduced from any other proposition. It’s the only sure thing in a complex problem.

Embrace stretch goals

Even in the face of failure, your goal was so outrageous, so impossible to achieve, that you celebrate the small achievements you made because you expected that nothing would come out of it.

Apply This Productivity Secret

The most productive people work from their calendar instead of a to-do list

Use Asynchronous Communication

Musk prefers to communicate on his own terms

Develop a Wide Knowledge Base

Read 2 books a day

Apply This Productivity Secret

Deep Work: live as asynchronously as possible and with minimal interruptions

Apply This Productivity Secret

Find your most important task (MIT) for the day and tackle it first

Bonus: Showering

Your brain has been working all night for you, trying to come up with solutions in the background.

Start the Day with Critical Work

Elon Musk starts his day with his most critical work

Apply This Productivity Secret

Growth doesn’t happen when you keep doing what you’ve already done in the past

Apply This Productivity Secret

Continual learning: expand your knowledge with books, learn from your personal challenges, and from others

Apply This Productivity Secret

In an email, every word counts

Batch Tasks

Whenever possible, Musk combines several tasks together in a productivity hack known as batching

Use Feedback Loops

Think about what you’ve done and how you could be doing it better.

Apply This Productivity Secret

T-Shaped Skills

Apply This Productivity Secret

If you batch similar tasks that call for similar mindsets you can efficiently work on multiple tasks without losing your workflow


He prioritizes engineering, design, and manufacturing, spending 80% of his time on those areas.

Develop a Growth Mindset

When you have a growth mindset, you know you can learn anything if you put enough effort into it.

Master Communication

When Musk is not building rockets or revolutionizing the automobile industry, there’s one place you can always find him: on email.


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