Twitter Spaces for Business: How to Start and Manage Your Space

Twitter Spaces for Business: How to Start and Manage Your Space
Twitter Spaces for Business: How to Start and Manage Your Space

Offer Expert Advice via a Weekly Series If you want to be more active with your Twitter account, you can develop a weekly series that ensures you show up on a regular basis. This is helpful because it offers real-time tips and tricks for current events or problems your target audience is facing.

Weekly Virtual Networking Events

Host a virtual event to make new connections while helping others do the same

  • Gives everyone the chance to meet people they wouldn’t have otherwise met without having to leave the comfort of their own homes
  • Less intimidating than being face-to-face

Host a Podcast-Style Interview

Going live is often less intimidating when you have a co-host working alongside you

  • Choose a guest who’s knowledgeable in your field and has interesting perspectives that will intrigue your listeners
  • Come up with questions ahead of time so there are no gaps in the conversation

Crypto Business podcast

Every Friday, host Michael Stelzner interviews leading industry experts about what works right now in Web3 and what to expect in the future, so you can prepare your business for the shift

Conduct Live Audits for Personalized Feedback

This allows you to give listeners personalized feedback that they might not otherwise be able to receive unless they hire you

  • Think about what you could audit that would be relevant to your business
  • Social media manager, you might offer to audit one of a company’s social media accounts

Launch Social Projects Faster and Easier

Find the right expert for even the most complicated project or campaign with our new FindHelp marketplace

Lead an Open Mic Conversation

Host a more casual chat where you and a group of other speakers can just let the conversation flow

  • You’ll want to choose a topic so there’s an overall focus
  • The open mic style gives everyone the chance to speak and creates a comfortable atmosphere for anyone who wants to grab the mic

Seek Feedback on New Offerings

Check in with your audience to see if it’s something they’d actually be interested in

  • Instead of wasting time and money on an offer that no one wants, go live on Spaces to talk about your idea and get honest feedback from others

Your Guide to the Future of Business

The Web3 renaissance opens up new opportunities for entrepreneurs, creators, and marketers who are ready to embrace the changes.

Manage Your Twitter Space

Once you go live, there are a few things you should know to efficiently manage your Twitter space.

  • Microphone – mute/unmute yourself if you’re the host or have speaking privileges
  • Manage speakers – accept speaker requests, send co-host invites, invite speakers to join the virtual stage
  • Emoji Reactions – silently react to the conversation by using this emoji reaction button
  • Raised Hand – raise your hand so others can see you have something to say
  • Settings – adjust settings and share your space via direct message or link

Assign a Co-Host

If you have someone on your team who can join you live, you can make that person a co-host.

  • While you’re live, tap on the Speakers button. A menu will pop up with the option to invite speakers. An invite will be sent to those users.

Start or Schedule a Twitter Space

Open the Twitter mobile app

  • Long press and long-press on the Compose button in the bottom-right corner of the screen
  • Name your space
  • Consider the topic you will be talking about and choose a relevant name
  • When you’re done, tap Start Your Space to officially start your space and it will become visible to your followers

Pin a Tweet in Your Space

You can highlight a tweet as a talking point for your conversation by pinning it at the top of the space. To do this, simply navigate to the tweet you’d like to pin and add it.


Twitter Spaces is an amazing way to reach new customers, create a stronger brand image, and increase visibility

Host a Q&A Session to Address Frequently Asked Questions

This is an easy way to engage your audience and provide value by offering them helpful advice.

  • It also provides an opportunity to gather feedback on the preferences and pain points of those in your target audience.
