Why curiosity is communication’s secret weapon

Why curiosity is communication’s secret weapon
Why curiosity is communication’s secret weapon

‘Whether you’re a leader or anywhere in the organization, it takes some bravery to ask questions if you don’t know what the answer will be. My advice is to leave time for questions and be open to the answers.’ – Debra Schifrin

Matt Abrahams and Debra Schifrin, faculty at Stanford Graduate School of Business, explore the transformative power of curiosity in communication.

Uncover the art of crafting inquiries that lead to fruitful conversations, build relationships, and enhance overall communication outcomes.

Table of Contents

  1. The Power of Inquiry
  2. Value-Driven Questions
  3. Listening is Key
  4. Negative Use of Questions
  5. Tone Matters
  6. Crafting Good Questions
  7. Contextual Awareness
  8. Curiosity Enhances Communication
  9. The Killer Last Question
  10. The Power of Pause
  11. Framing Questions Correctly
  12. Being Present During Conversation

The Power of Inquiry

Questions serve as crucial tools in communication for gathering information, fostering engagement, building trust, and calming nerves.

In coaching or mentoring scenarios, they can help individuals reflect on their feelings or decisions.

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Value-Driven Questions

Good questions often involve values.

Asking about what someone wants disrupts tactical decision-making exchanges and elevates the conversation to a more personal level.

Similarly, when someone expresses feelings of inadequacy, questioning how this feeling serves them can prompt action or mindset change.