Why the Future of Demand Gen Lies in Self-Service Content Experiences

Why the Future of Demand Gen Lies in Self-Service Content Experiences
Why the Future of Demand Gen Lies in Self-Service Content Experiences

Unveiling the future of demand generation, we delve into the transformative potential of self-service content experiences. Discover how this innovative approach can revolutionize marketing strategies, fostering customer engagement and driving business growth.

The future of sales-enablement and demand gen lies in self-service content

Is your content marketing program ready?

  • Buyers continue to want control of the process long before they connect with a sales rep.
  • At least half, probably more, of B2B buyers prefer a self-driven experience
  • Content marketers can help buyers help themselves to the content they need to make a purchase decision.

It’s a buyer’s world

Ardath and Marcus make a great case for transforming your traditional content marketing, marketing, and sales operations for a buyer-led future

  • The buyer will remain in control, the only choice you’ll have is whether you’re willing to follow their lead

Build a buyer-led content flow

A buyer-driven content strategy includes four components: Define the stakeholders, Identify the potential disruption the solution will cause, Determine how to make compromises to move the buying process forward, Take part in solving buyers’ problems, and Let them drive.


As the buyer clicks down the path, they can select the Yale team member they want to work with


Make sure conversations happen on the buyer’s terms


This involves walking buyers through choices to create the product they need and seeing the actual price or the range of pricing. e.g. A self-pricing tool on Marcus’ site asks what shape of pool the visitor wants, then returns the selected pool with details about the base package.

Operating in a seller-free world

Buyers are forcing sellers, salespeople, and marketers to change

  • Three B2B trends that indicate buyers are 80% of the way through the buying cycle before they engage an organization
  • 33% of all buyers prefer a buyer-free sales experience (44% of millennials)
  • 70-80% prefer digital self-service and remote human engagement over face-to-face interactions


Visitors and prospects want the ability to schedule time with your sales team without talking to a person to create the appointment.

  • On the Yale website, people can choose their preference for a showroom visit, video call, live chat, or online order placement.
