Wishcraft: How to Get What You Really Want  – Barbara Sher

Wishcraft: How to Get What You Really Want – Barbara Sher

Wishcraft: How to Get What You Really Want by Barbara Sher is a powerful guide that explores the process of identifying your deepest desires, creating a practical plan to achieve them, and overcoming the obstacles that stand in your way. It offers a unique blend of the practical and the magical, demonstrating how to harness your own power to make your dreams come true.

Discovering Your Wishes

The first step towards getting what you want is to understand what you truly desire.

This involves introspection and honesty with oneself.

It’s about reconnecting with your childhood dreams and passions, and identifying the values and goals that truly matter to you.

The Importance of Patience

Achieving your dreams takes time.

Sher emphasizes the importance of patience and persistence.

She encourages readers to celebrate small victories along the way and to remember that progress, no matter how slow, is still progress.

The Role of Self-Belief

Belief in oneself is a crucial factor in achieving your desires.

Sher suggests that self-confidence can be built through accomplishments, no matter how small.

She encourages readers to trust in their abilities and potential.

The Power of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking can play a significant role in achieving your desires.

Sher encourages readers to cultivate a positive mindset, focusing on possibilities rather than limitations.

She suggests that optimism can help overcome challenges and propel you towards your goals.

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