10 Laws of Consistency | How to Stay Consistent at Anything in Life

10 Laws of Consistency | How to Stay Consistent at Anything in Life
10 Laws of Consistency | How to Stay Consistent at Anything in Life

Consistency is the key to success in any endeavor. Uncover the ten laws that govern this principle and learn how to apply them in your life to maintain unwavering focus and achieve your goals.

Choose EfficiENCY Over CREATIVITY (where needed)

Don’t waste your creative efforts in petty things

  • Choose flow and efficiency over creativity in routine tasks
  • Reserve your mental energy and creativity for things that matter in terms of your progress
  • Focus on products or services that will benefit you in the long run

My Personal Struggle With Being Consistent Earlier in Life

As I searched for my true calling, I realized that I was dropping out and abandoning stuff because that was NOT something I really wanted to do, and deep down I knew that.

  • Once I found my “true calling” and started to manifest the kind of life that I wanted to create, I became very committed and consistent, because what I am doing is consistent with my inner self


Whatever you want to be consistent with, analyze it under the light of these 10 principles

  • Make a checklist of these ten principles and see where you’ve been lacking and missing out
  • Come back to this guide and skim through it to quickly skim through and catch reasons for your struggles
  • Find out which areas require more focus and attention

Avoid “Paralysis by Analysis”

Seek enough information so you have a solid strategy and then focus all your energy on delivering

  • Don’t fret if you’re not getting results right away. Keep putting in the effort consistently and allow it some time.
  • Stop analyzing too much and focus on delivering.

Pace Yourself To Avoid Burnouts

Take a complete break and allow yourself opportunities to fully unwind and relax.

  • You’ll find that once your return back to your work and normal routine life, you’ll feel rejuvenated, refreshed, and ready to take on.

10 Principles to be Consistent at Anything You Do

Follow these principles to be consistent in any area you seek to master and conquer.

  • Setting goals and making plans to achieve those goals isn’t the real deal. The real deal is to follow through on those plans and be consistent with your efforts.

Commit IF You Really Want To Do It

Ask yourself if you really want to do it.

  • Are you willing to face the challenges that will come along the way?
  • Will you go through the learning curve and develop all the necessary skills necessary to achieve the desired goal?

Don’t Complicate

The key to Sustainability is Simplicity

  • If you get into too much detail trying to make everything perfect and fretting over tiny details, it will be difficult for you to last long after the initial hype fades off.
  • Just get in the habit of getting things going.

Value progress over perfection

Things don’t always have to go smoothly and go the way we expect

  • It’s okay to make mistakes
  • We cannot always give our best all the time
  • Sometimes we have to perform at an average level to be able to maintain consistency

Learn To Say NO

Prioritize and don’t let any distractions drag you away from your priority tasks

  • If you made a commitment to a certain thing, keep it high on your priority list and say No to anything that might get in the way

Set Realistic Goals And Expectations

Aim the highest, but set realistic goals and expectations

  • Things take time to develop
  • Shoot for the stars, but expect to work hard for several years to build a rocket
  • Sow a seed, but don’t expect a fully developed tall, luscious tree in the next 10 years

Forgive Yourself For Not Being Consistent And Then Come Back To Your Commitment

The thing that determines your consistency is not how perfectly you follow through, but how fast you come back to your commitment if you get off track.

  • Instead of beating yourself up, accept it and be forgiving towards yourself, and then get back to it!

Bonus Tip: Create a System and Automate Your Work

Set a specific system so that everything clicks

  • Look towards automating as many things as you can through apps and online services
  • Automation will tremendously simplify your life, save your from being overwhelmed, and free up time which you can utilize on other important things

Focus On One Thing At A Time

Pick one thing and stick to it until it sticks to you.

  • Don’t bite off more than you can chew, and don’t allow the explosion of ideas in your mind to distract you from what you’re working on right now.
