10 Reasons Why You’re Demotivated and How to Overcome It

10 Reasons Why You’re Demotivated and How to Overcome It
10 Reasons Why You’re Demotivated and How to Overcome It

Being demotivated is arguably one of the worst feelings in the world. Here are 10 reasons why you may be experiencing this and what actions you can take to get out of it. Before we dive into the reasons, it’s best you take this free assessment on motivation style to find out what your motivation style is.

You Are Working Without Purpose

The biggest reason why someone may be feeling demotivated is that they are living their lives without goals or intent

  • To fix this, figure out what it is you are looking for out of life and to establish specific, bite-sized, achievable goals that can help you get there

Your Goals Are Too Big

If your goals are too large and you are expecting too much from yourself, you are not going to be motivated to chip away at them consistently.

  • Smaller steps are easier to accomplish and will keep you motivated to achieve the larger end goal.

You Believe You Should Have Accomplished More by Now

The past is the past and the only thing you are in control of is the future.

  • Work hard each day and measure your progress. Each step forward is a step in the right direction. Don’t give up!

You’re Settling and Refusing to Push Your Limits

You are consciously deciding to settle for less and stay in mediocrity rather than moving forward and accomplishing more.

  • Underwhelm
  • Settling on accomplishing less rather than pushing your limits and doing what you know you are perfectly capable of.

Take on Too Much and Are Overwhelmed

The key to staying motivated with anything is to take as much on as possible without making it unenjoyable.

  • If you are feeling overwhelmed, learn better time-management skills and more about your limitations in order to craft a better schedule for yourself immediately.

Bottom Line

Even the best of us become demotivated

  • It is necessary that we get back our drive to push forward and live our best lives
  • Using these 10 points, you are guaranteed to find the reasons behind your lack of motivation and the next steps you need to take to recover that drive and passion

You May Be Dealing with Symptoms of a Mental Illness

Some people can deal with mental illness without ever suspecting it

  • Seek for mental health assistance immediately to help reduce the severity of the symptoms and learn how to properly cope with the condition
  • If you believe you may be dealing with a mental illness, seek for medical assistance immediately

You’re Engaging in Self-Sabotage

Your lack of motivation may be due to your desire to stunt your growth rather than to unleash and prove your greatness to the world

  • Why do you feel that you aren’t capable of what it is you seek to do?
  • Sit down and write down a list of your accomplishments, skills, and strengths

Your Lack of Motivation Stems From Fear

When we fear progress, we refuse to move forward, becoming stuck at a certain point in our lives that allows us to only achieve so much on a daily basis.

  • To overcome this fear, take note of the fact that you are putting off progress because you are afraid of a certain outcome and start chipping away at that fear, one step at a time.

You’re Doing Things for the Wrong Reasons

Our body knows how to react in any given situation and the lack of motivation that has you down may be a direct result of what you are doing.

  • Ask yourself, is everything I do done for the right reasons?
  • This concept is applicable to all areas of life and, if you feel unmotivated, it is quite possible that you are do things for the wrong reasons instead of doing things that fulfill you.

You Have a Habit of Not Doing Anything

Some people have plenty of tasks and potential but they choose to not do it simply because they don’t feel like it.

  • Sit down, show up, and do what you must in order to get to where you want.
