10 Things Rich People Do That Poor People Do NOT – Habits of the Wealthy

10 Things Rich People Do That Poor People Do NOT – Habits of the Wealthy
10 Things Rich People Do That Poor People Do NOT – Habits of the Wealthy

Most people including myself would agree that there are certain choices and daily habits that are targeted towards wealth. Are the rich and wealthy just good with money, or is there a deeper brilliance to their success? 85-88% of American millionaires are self-made, first-generation rich ~ Tom Corley

The Habits of Wealthy People – 10 Choice Lessons

What took place is that wealth guru Tom Corley wrote a list of 10 rich habits that will make you rich, followed by 18 poverty habits that are keeping you poor

  • Then along came another wealth guru, Dave Ramsey, who created his own list of 5 simple habits of the wealthy
  • These two wealthy gurus combined their ideas into one excellent list

Stop Watching Big Brother

Watching excess amounts of TV is the number 1 mind-numbing activity, which keeps people poor

The Wealthy Will Make Daily Positive Choices

Making positive choices each and every day, no matter how small, can create healthy and good habits that will pay off in the long run.

Closing Comments

Following the advice shared by the wealthy can get you one step closer to the lifestyle you desire and deserve.

  • There is no specific time table leading to wealth, but statistics state that following some simple rules can turn into positive habits which can lead to positive results, which can ultimately lead you to financial wealth.

The Wealthy Keep a To-Do List

81% keep a to-do list, while only 19% of the poor do.

The Wealthy Eat Right

70% of wealthy people eat less than 300 calories of junk food calories while 97% of poor people eat more than 300 kcal per day.

  • The lesson to be learned? Your body is a temple… treat it as such!

The Wealthy Never Stop Educating Themselves

88% of the wealthy read for at least 30 minutes each day

  • 86% of wealthy believe in lifelong educational self-improvement
  • 63% make their children read 2 or more non-fiction books a month vs. 3% of poor

The Wealthy are NOT Big on Gambling

Only 23% of wealthy people gamble

The Wealthy Set Goals for Themselves

80% of the wealthy focus on accomplishing a single goal.

  • The wealthy write their goals down in a location to be seen, 4 times greater than the poor
  • Only 12% of poor people have a goal written down.

The Wealthy Do Not Disclose All

Blurting out ever thought or idea is not going to get you very far in the business world
