10 Things You Need to Know To Become a Great Leader

10 Things You Need to Know To Become a Great Leader

Leadership is a journey, not a destination. It's about growth, learning, and transformation. Here are ten essential insights to guide you on your path to becoming an exceptional leader, shaping your team's success and leaving a lasting impact.

Being a leader happens right now, today, and can be done without money, without authority, and without anybody

Lead yourself: it’s a mindset


When you get rid of the buffers against pain and change life becomes more insecure, but we become FREE. We live in a bigger world, a world where risk and beauty go hand in hand and we are no longer afraid of the underlying pains.

There’s Always a Good Reason And A Real Reason

In 100% of cases there is a good reason and a real reason.

I) Love Warren Buffett

Buffett says he skips to work and that he would do the work he does for free.


Make sure every day your employees can call Lewis Howes and they have at least one new thing they can be grateful for

Lead Yourself

You don’t need to be leading anyone. Before you can lead anyone, you have to lead yourself.

The 30-150 Rule (or… the vision rule)

Below 30 people, an organization is a tribe. Below 30, a leader spends time with each person in the tribe and knows how to listen to their issues.


Treat your own projects with respect.

More Success For Others Than For You

You care about the success of others more than you care about your own success

Yes, and…

Say “Yes, and”


A sick leader or a leader who is spending time with people not good for them is not a good leader


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