10 Things You Shouldn’t Care About as an Investor

10 Things You Shouldn’t Care About as an Investor
10 Things You Shouldn’t Care About as an Investor

It’s never been easier to pay attention to everything that’s going on with the markets, economy, individual companies or your own portfolio. So it’s more important than ever to filter out the stuff you shouldn’t care about as an investor.10 things that fit the bill:

What you paid for an investment

Picking stocks is harder than you think

  • Buy and hold is a terrific strategy for some stocks. For others, it’s the equivalent of an investor death sentence
  • The amount of time and effort you put into your investments will often lead to worse results

Most investors would be better served doing less, not more

One year performance numbers don’t tell you anything about yourself as an investor

  • Your IQ matters more than IQ when investing
  • Intelligence alone does not guarantee success in the markets
  • Financial advice from billionaires typically offer some of the worst financial advice
  • How much you could have made if you would have only put $10k into…

Success in other areas of your life

Your biggest risk as an investor depends a lot on your personality, emotional make-up and station in life.

  • Timing the market perfectly
  • You’re far better off putting your money to work when you have some money to put to work and letting compound interest make up for any ill-timed purchases.
