10 Tricks Successful People Use to Stay Calm in Stressful Situations

10 Tricks Successful People Use to Stay Calm in Stressful Situations
10 Tricks Successful People Use to Stay Calm in Stressful Situations

The ability to stay calm in a difficult situation can mean the difference between success and failure. So how do successful people stay cool under pressure? Here are a few tips to keep in mind to help you stay cool and calm under pressure.1. Research has shown that the mind works best when it is in a moderate state of arousal

They remain positive

Look at obstacles as opportunities to learn and tough assignments as chances to show the world (and especially your boss) what you are made of

  • Be confident in your ability to slay whatever dragon lies ahead
  • Don’t let a negative attitude lead to feeling overwhelmed

Ask for help

Being afraid to ask for help is a sure-fire way to feel overwhelmed. Take advantage of the people in your network who have skills and knowledge that you don’t.

Make jokes

Laughter releases hormones that calm you down and allow you to be in control

  • It isn’t that they don’t feel fear, it’s how they manage it
  • Pilots rip on each other and joke about the imminent danger they face daily

Make a plan

Think about the final objective you are working towards and identify each step you need to take on the way to achieving it.

Identify the stressor

Zeroing in on what exactly is making you feel stressed out is the first step in overcoming those feelings

  • Being able to identify the enemy allows you to figure out what its weaknesses are and which of your strengths are most likely to be useful in any given situation

They get some sleep

Just because you have deadlines to meet and people to impress doesn’t mean you can sacrifice sleep to get there

They mentally prepare

Play games that encourage mental flexibility under a time limit

They decompress

Taking time to step back from a situation and relax can help you reorient your thoughts and view things more clearly

  • Read, take a walk, read a book, watch a movie – do something to take your mind off the situation that is getting you worked up

Reframe the situation

Once you have taken the time to decompress, you may have a completely different perspective on a difficult situation. Embrace new ways of thinking and view problems from all sides.
