10 Ways to Build Your Resilience

10 Ways to Build Your Resilience
10 Ways to Build Your Resilience

Resilience refers to how well you can deal with and bounce back from the difficulties of life. It can mean the difference between handling pressure and losing your cool. Whether you’re going through a tough time now or you want to be prepared for the next one, here are 10 techniques you can focus on to foster your own resilience.

Find a Sense of Purpose

In the face of crisis or tragedy, finding a sense of purpose can play an important role in your recovery.

  • This might mean becoming involved in your community, cultivating your spirituality, or participating in activities that are meaningful to you.

Develop Problem-Solving Skills

Research suggests that people who are able to come up with solutions to a problem are better able to cope with problems than those who cannot.

  • Whenever you encounter a new challenge, make a quick list of some of the potential ways you could solve the problem.

Take Action

Instead of waiting for the problem to go away, resolve it immediately

  • Actively work on solutions to problems to feel in control
  • Focus on progress and plan your next steps, not on the amount of work still to be done
  • Being proactive allows you to help make your goals a reality

Keep Working on Your Skills

Everyone can learn to be resilient

  • Resilience may take time to build, so don’t get discouraged if you still struggle to cope with problematic events
  • Focus on practicing these skills, as well as the common characteristics of resilient people, but also remember to build on your existing strengths

Be Optimistic

Staying optimistic during dark periods can be difficult, but maintaining a hopeful outlook is an important part of resiliency

Believe in Your Abilities

Having confidence in your own ability to cope with the stresses of life can play an important part in resilience.

  • Listen for negative comments in your head, immediately replace them with positive ones.
  • Your self-esteem plays an important role in coping with stress and recovering from difficult events.

Nurture Yourself

Focus on building your self-nurturance skills, even when you’re troubled.

Establish Goals

Crisis situations are daunting. Resilient people are able to view these situations in a realistic way and then set reasonable goals to deal with the problem.

Develop a Strong Social Network

Have people you can confide in.

Embrace Change

Flexibility is an essential part of resilience. By learning how to be more adaptable, you’ll be better equipped to respond when faced with a life crisis.
