11 Ideas That Will Rewire Your Brain

11 Ideas That Will Rewire Your Brain
11 Ideas That Will Rewire Your Brain

The term rewiring your brain has become a psychological revolution in recent times. We now know that you can literally rewire your brain by choosing the thoughts that you allow in and standing guard at the door of your mind. All it takes is one idea to interrupt your minds pattern and to take a different course.

You’re only a millimeter away from success

There are times when you might think you are a million miles away from your desired goal. Remember next time that this is false, and you are only a micro-magnimeter away

  • The difference between being butt-ugly and a supermodel? A millimeter

If you’ve always wanted to do it, then do it

Make a commitment to take action on the experiences that you’ve been longing for

  • Stop waiting for the right time
  • Now is the best time to do anything
  • The right time never comes and the decision lies with you

Action is all that matters

Take immediate action, not delayed action. Delayed action gives us an excuse for when we fail.

  • An idea is nothing but a flash in the pan. The value in an idea is only revealed when action is taken. Take advantage of every little detail.

Love is easier to find than you think

Love is everywhere around us, and we don’t even need to search for it

  • The easiest place to find it is in a park full of puppy dogs
  • Do a nice gesture for a friend and see how they can love you unconditionally

Don’t follow others

Become a leader

Tomorrow could be your last day

Nothing is guaranteed, and you have to be okay with that

  • Take control of your life, and stop living like you are going to live for 2,100 years
  • You’re not, and don’t waste time with people you don’t like

Drop the scarcity mindset

We all think we need more of everything to get what we want and be happy.

  • The truth is, we need less of everything, so we can give more
  • Rewire your brain by practicing a form of giving
  • Find one thing to give and do so right away

Failure is only the beginning

String together as many failures as you can in the same area of your life, and if practiced enough, you’ll eventually translate them all into one giant success

  • Treat your life like a science experiment, and start trying new things to see what formulas for success work for you and which ones don’t

Increase your rejection rate

Getting used to being rejected helps you to build mental muscle that will eventually get you a yes from someone you may never have thought was in the same league as you

  • Poke your chest out, pop a smile on your face, and go get em, amigo!

Embrace the negative

Negative experiences are destiny’s way of moving away the boulders that lie in front of you and helping focus your mind.

  • Reframe your brain to understand that negative experiences stop you from going down a path that is not truly in line with your goals and dreams.

You can be the catalyst for change

People just like you do extraordinary things every day

  • All it takes is to put something out in the world that has the energy to provide value to humanity
  • We’re all just as special as each other, and your ideas are just as good as the next person’s
