12 Things I Stole From People More Successful Than Me

12 Things I Stole From People More Successful Than Me
12 Things I Stole From People More Successful Than Me

12 of the best and most unconventional ideas I’ve shamelessly stolen from people who are a lot more successful than I am. If you like any of them, steal them for your life too. Throughout my entire life, I’ve been fortunate enough to have read 100’s of books written by people who have been successful. This has exposed me to thousands of new insights for living a better life.

Pare Down the Number of Decisions You Make Every Day

In order to save your mental power for the important decisions of the day, you have to learn to reduce the number of decisions you make on a daily basis by automating or delegating them.

  • By doing this, you’ll find yourself becoming significantly less stressed, more productive, and overall happier.

Look At People’s Feet

Feet are the most honest parts of our body

  • You can tell how someone feels by looking at their feet
  • If their feet are pointed away from you, this can be a bad sign that they want to get out of the conversation immediately or they don’t feel comfortable being there
  • On the other hand, if they point their feet towards you then this could be a good sign

Don’t be a donkey

You can do everything you want to do, you just need foresight and patience.

  • If you have 10 goals, just do one at a time and dedicate yourself to that one for a year. Then, do the next thing.

Take Sabbaticals From Your Work

If you ever feel like you’re experiencing creative roadblocks in your work or that you’re feeling burnt out, it’s probably time to take a sabbatical.

  • A Sabbatical is mini-vacations from your work, which are meant to act as a detox from your daily routine so that you can recharge and get back to work better than before.

Turn “Have-To” into “Get-To”

Don’t view your habits as challenges, view them as opportunities

  • Reframe your habits to highlight their benefits
  • Doing this is a fast and easy way to reprogram your mind and to make intimidating and burdensome habits seem more attractive

Never Ask For Someone’s ‘Opinion’

Always ask for their “advice.”

  • This puts the other person in a togetherness state of mind, which increases their desire to support whatever you’re asking for advice on.
  • Asking for their opinion puts them in an introspection state, which makes them focus more on themselves.

Use People’s Favorite Sound

Being liked by others is extremely important when it comes to both your career success and personal relationships.

  • Use a simple technique you can use to have a huge positive impact on how others perceive you
  • Remember someone’s name and use it often in conversation

Mise En Place

In the culinary arts, professional chefs use a term they use called “mise en place” which is French for “put in place”

  • This helps chefs reduce friction in the kitchen and make better meals with less effort
  • If you want to eat better, prepare healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals in advance, then lay out workout clothes the night before

Practice What’s It’s Like To Be Poor

Repeatedly rehearse what each potential fear-inducing moment would be like before it ever happens

  • You’ll realize just how independent your well being is from money
  • It becomes easier to take “risks” and push through your fears because you know that even if you were to experience a huge financial setback, you would still be completely okay

Tear Up Your To-Do List

A to-do list is essentially everything you think you need to do, not everything you ought to do.

  • Success is never achieved by the person who does the most things every day. It may feel good to check off a lot of small, unimportant tasks, but it obscures what’s really important.
  • You need a success list. If a list isn’t built around success, then it’s not where it takes you.

Stop Using The Number 7

Whenever you don’t know if you should say no to something, simply rate it on a scale from 1 to 10

  • This forces you to make a decision.
  • Don’t be scared to have an opinion. Stop playing it safe. Make a decision

Be a Whiner

Whining is the first step toward change. It’s the moment when you realize something is very wrong and that you have to take the initiative to do something about it.

  • People who don’t whine are punching bags. They see no reason to whine because they know they are incapable of effecting change.
