12 Things That You Should Be Truly Proud Of

12 Things That You Should Be Truly Proud Of
12 Things That You Should Be Truly Proud Of

Pride is a funny old emotion. If asked what you are proud of, how would you respond? Would you be able to reel off a list of achievements, or would you be lost for words? You can be proud of so many things, most of which you’ve probably never thought about before.

How Far You’ve Come

We’re all on a journey, each one different, but all equally as important

  • It’s easy to overlook just how far that journey can take us, right from our days as a child through to our sunset years as a senior citizen
  • Be proud of your past, but also proud of how you’ve kept going

Desire To Grow

You want to improve upon yourself. Improve on yourself.

Taking The First Step

The first step on any journey is often the hardest, but the fact that you’ve taken it is something you can be proud of.

  • Give up a bad habit or broken an addiction
  • Are you chasing your dreams in life?
  • Take a leap of faith

Accepting Others as They Are

When you accept others, the boundaries between you fall away, and you join together in the union of being. Acceptance is like the last warmth of a setting sun: beautiful, comforting, and relaxing.

  • It tells people, “You are just fine how you are.”

Every Obstacle You’ve Overcome

You have persevered even when you felt like giving up.

  • Be proud of all the times you’ve faced difficulties. You might flippantly pass them off as nothing more than the rigors of life, but you stepped up and took on the challenge when you could have been defeated.

Being A Good Friend

Acceptance is part of being a good friend, but there is so much more to it

Every Time You’ve Failed

Use failure as motivation to keep going and an opportunity to learn.

  • The fact that you’ve failed means one thing is for certain: you’ve tried. That’s something to be proud of right there. You put yourself on the line and you’ve seen your efforts come up short.

Being Honest With Yourself And Others

We are alone in our heads and we can spend so much time worrying about what others are doing or what they might think, that we conceal our true selves

  • Whether it is revealing your feelings for someone, accepting your sexuality, admitting that you’re not happy in a situation (e.g. a job or relationship), showing vulnerability, or some other act that requires you to be honest, you should be proud of your honesty. It shows that you are a human being that has a heart.

Every Time You’ve Made Someone Smile

Even small flashes of elation have the power to make someone’s day. Be glad that you have touched their hearts.

  • Stop being so hard on yourself – you are a wonderful being and the whole world appreciates you for it.


Steve Waller

  • Steve is the founder of personal development portal A Conscious Rethink.

Every Choice You’ve Made

Every choice you make is one you can learn from and grow from.

  • Had you made different choices, you would have been a different person.
  • If you are proud of who you are today, you have to be proud of all the choices that shaped you.

Every Time You’ve Helped Someone

No matter how small the act, every time you help someone, you are sending positive energy out into the world.

  • You are not only telling that person that you care, but showing them that you are proud of them.

Every Time You’ve Taken Care Of Yourself

It can be easy to put others ahead of yourself, or to put your career ahead of your wellbeing, but every time you’ve stopped to take care of yourself is a moment to be proud of.

  • Be brave enough to reach out to others and admit that you are struggling, it takes courage.
