12 Things You Should Do in Your 20s

12 Things You Should Do in Your 20s
12 Things You Should Do in Your 20s

Your 20s are your selfish years and it’s a decade where you immerse yourself in everything around you and the world out there. Ensure you are selfish with your time, look after yourself, pay attention to your mental health and love the people who are important to you.

Pay attention to your mental health

Stimulate it, challenge it, be conscious of what you’re exposing your mind to on a daily basis, and look after yourself

  • The same goes for your family and friends, make sure you are there for them whenever they may need you

Love yourself and be loved

New and long-term relationships can be tough, but if you love yourself, love will come to you

Don’t be afraid to ask.

You have the choice to make a difference in your own life by asking for the things you want and need. Ask for what you want, not what you are entitled to. Don’t be content with not getting what you ask for.

Rid yourself of bad people

Having a million friends that you barely even talk to is unnecessary and often you accrue negative people in your life.

Make time for your best friends.

They are the ones who will stick by your side through thick and thin, watch you have babies, get married, and be there through all the bad bits. Make time to spend time with them, and make sure you are making time for them, too.

Examine what you want out of life

Spend time alone to figure out what you really want

  • This is the point in your life where you have a chance to shape your future, so make sure you spend time reflecting and defining what you truly want from life.

Live on your own

It may seem daunting to begin with but it’s a great way to learn about life early on.

Buy that incred piece of clothing

Save that $150 and use it to buy that incredible coat you’ve lusted after for months

Chase your dream job

Don’t become complacent during your 20s and instead put yourself and challenge yourself

  • You should persist, move around, and be as creative as possible in your career
  • Now is your opportunity to mess up a few times, work in a job you hate, get back up and then find your dream gig

Travel lots and sometimes alone

Nothing is more exciting and life changing than discovering a new place you didn’t expect to find

  • Have the courage to travel, even if it’s just to explore a new country or see a new beautiful place
  • You’ll meet interesting people and learn a lot about yourself along the way

Eat whatever you like

Look after yourself but also eat incredible food. Eat food from the other side of the world, eat food you wouldn’t usually eat, learn how to cook dishes from scratch, and awaken all senses.
