14 Things Successful People Do Right Before Bed

14 Things Successful People Do Right Before Bed
14 Things Successful People Do Right Before Bed

Successful people understand that their success starts and ends with their mental and physical health, which is almost entirely dependent upon their getting enough sleep. That is why good bedtime routines are a key ritual for so many of them. Here’s what many successful people do right before bed.

They read

Most successful people read before going to sleep

  • Barack Obama and Bill Gates are known to read for at least an hour before bed
  • Michael Kerr, an international business speaker and author of ” You Can’t Be Serious! Putting Humor to Work,” says he knows numerous business leaders who block off time just before bed for reading

Make a to-do list

Clear your mind for a good night’s sleep

Spend quality time with their partners

Sex is a great way to connect with your partner

  • A study found a correlation between sexual frequency and wealth
  • People who had sex four or more times a week earned a salary 5% higher than those who didn’t
  • Those who said they weren’t having sex at all made 3.2% less

Plan Out Sleep

Make it a priority to get enough sleep

  • Go to bed at a consistent time
  • Plan out when you’re going to wake up
  • Count back however many hours you need to sleep, and then consider setting an alarm to remind yourself to get ready for bed

Unplug completely

The blue light from your phone mimics the brightness of the sun, which tells your brain to stop producing melatonin, an essential hormone that regulates your circadian rhythm and tells your body when it’s time to wake and when it’s time to sleep.

Keep a hygiene ritual

Create a ritual that sends a psychological signal that you are getting ready for bed

  • This can include brushing your teeth, washing your face, flossing, combing your hair, and making sure all the pillows face a certain way

Disconnecting from work

Let your mind recharge, spend time doing something you enjoy, and feel ready to tackle the next day

  • Work burnout may actually hinder your productivity by causing you to become easily irritated or stressed out.
  • Taking time after work to fully disconnect from your job may actually increase your productivity.

Picture tomorrow’s success

Take a few minutes before bed to envision a positive outcome for the projects you’re working on.

They decompress

The most successful people find ways to unwind and decompress before heading to bed. This allows them to de-stress, fall asleep quicker, and sleep more soundly so they are ready for the next day.

  • Taking a warm bath or listening to calming music before bed helps with this.

Avoid wine right before bedtime

Alcohol robs you of quality sleep

  • Keep people in lighter stages of sleep from which they can be awakened easily and prevent them from falling into deeper, more restorative stages
  • Arianna Huffington recommends not drinking alcohol right before going to bed

Spend time with family

Make some time to chat with your partner, talk to your kids, or play with your dog.


Go for a 20-minute walk before bed to wind down

Reflect on the good things from the day

It’s easy to fall into the trap of replaying negative situations in your mind

  • Write down three things you are thankful for that happened that day in a gratitude journal
  • This helps you stay motivated and positive throughout the day
