15+1 Ways to Hack-Proof your Smartphone

15+1 Ways to Hack-Proof your Smartphone
15+1 Ways to Hack-Proof your Smartphone

Unlock the secrets to securing your smartphone from potential threats. Discover 16 effective strategies that will fortify your device, ensuring your personal data remains confidential and safe from prying eyes. Let's delve into the world of cybersecurity for smartphones.

Additional Tips on How to Protect Your Phone from Hackers

Install software updates as soon as they become available

  • Be careful of what you install
  • Review what’s already on your phone
  • Make it hard for intruders to get in
  • Don’t leave online services unlocked
  • Adopt an alter ego
  • Beware of open wifi

Social media platforms

YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkdR

  • Facebook –
  • Instagram –
  • Twitter – Â
  • Pinterest – 
  • Youtube -?????-
  • Google+ – ㅋ
  • Check out our other social media channels

Don’t leave online services unlocked

Use a password manager app that requires you to regularly re-enter a master password

  • Adopt an alter ego
  • Some major hacks have been pulled off without any access to the victim at all
  • Beware of open wifi
  • Anyone in the vicinity can snoop on what you’re doing online

Password protects your cloud storage apps

Disable the “smart unlock” feature on your phone when you are at a “safe” or “secure” location

  • Password protects important files, folders, and apps from getting an additional layer of security

Lock individual apps

A strong passcode helps keep thieves out of your phone, but what if a stranger snatches your phone while you’re using it?

  • On Android, as a second line of defense, you can lock individual apps, so even if someone can get past your lock screen, they can’t open your email or banking app without a second password

Avoid jailbreaking devices

Jailbreaking means making unauthorized changes in the default device settings using some software.

  • When you jailbreak your phone, you void the device’s warranty and weaken the phone’s security posture, allowing hackers to easily insert malware and steal confidential data.

Get a warning when your phone goes walkies

Apple Watch and Android Wear devices can warn you immediately if they lose Bluetooth contact with your phone. The device will normally be less than 50 meters away when the connection drops, so the warning gives you a chance to ring the phone right away, hopefully drawing attention to the thief and prompting them to jettison it.

  • Keep an eye on things behind the scenes
  • Supplement your on-device security measures with an online service. LogDog is an app that monitors your identity on sites such as Gmail, Dropbox, and Facebook. It alerts you to suspicious activity, such as logins from unfamiliar places.

Install Security Software Tools on Your Mobile Device

Antivirus software and anti-malware software are not limited to computers only. You should use them on your mobile phones to protect your phone from hackers.

  • Be Judicious About What You Download and Install on Your Phone: Be vigilant when installing apps or downloading images, videos, files, songs, email attachments, etc. from the internet.
