17 characteristics of a spiritual person

17 characteristics of a spiritual person
17 characteristics of a spiritual person

Inner peace and outer harmony are great goals to have. The key to finding it lies in being a better person to ourselves and each other. Embracing and integrating the true you, “good” and “bad” and discovering your gifts with the world. And helping others do the same.

They don’t consider themselves superior to others

The spiritual person genuinely values the spectrum of human talents and interests. The idea that their spiritual path or experiences would make them better or more “advanced” than others around them is far from their mind or life.

  • They look in wonder at the human creation.

They know that not one-size-fits-all

One of the primary characteristics of a spiritual person is openness.

  • They take action when necessary and are effective people in the world around them, but they don’t act unnecessarily or stir up drama and conflict when it’s unnecessary. They allow diversity and difference to flourish around them.

Love starts with loving and respecting yourself

Don’t hide or repress your negatives, and don’t boast or inflate your positives.

  • Accept and fully actualize your own power and love of yourself to validate your place in our living biome
  • The search for love that is meaningful and lasting starts within

Know how to get in the flow state

“Going with the flow” is not about letting go, it’s about holding on to the right things

  • Spiritual people know how to focus on what’s important, hone their gifts, and become self-actualizing themselves

They know that love isn’t all sunshine and roses

The spiritual person knows that trauma and pain are part of the spiritual journey and that life can be truly difficult

  • We are all in the same boat, and the path to accepting ourselves and others can be difficult but it’s worth it

Don’t latch onto or worship gurus and spiritual teachers

get rid of the codependent trap of wanting someone to “save” or “fix” you

  • This can lead to dependency, abuse, manipulation, and even becoming a spiritual teacher yourself

They’re genuinely grateful and full of wonder about life

Spiritual people are grateful.

  • This doesn’t mean they need to post about it on Instagram everyday or “tell” people how grateful they are. I’m just saying they actually are. (There’s a difference).
  • They are also full of awe about life. One cannot say very much with mere letters and words.

Help and care for others

The spiritual person has embraced their own inner journey and therefore is ready and effective at helping the world outside as well.

  • Their goal is to put themselves in the place in which they are best able to serve, wherever their gifts and qualities find the best soil to grow, the widest field of action.

Are there common characteristics of a spiritual person?

While each person is unique, there are core characteristics that are shared across all types of spiritual people.

  • A spiritual person who has “learned the lessons” of the great teachers of humankind and its ancient wisdom, and has developed a genuine approach to themselves and others from a spiritual standpoint

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What is a spiritual person?

A spiritual person is someone who places high value on spirituality, which is the experience and study of divine and non-physical reality.

  • Spirituality doesn’t require faith. It’s fully possible to be religious and spiritual or to be non-religious and spiritual.

Help others reach their full potential

Want what’s best for others

  • Don’t think life is a zero-sum game – if you have a great career, family, and partner, it doesn’t mean there’s less to go around for the rest of us
  • No room for hassad or jealousy

Don’t Seek Out Rewards and External Valentine’s

Be in it for the good deeds and be constructive

Respect the different religious and spiritual views of those around them

Don’t seek “gotcha” debates or prove yourself “right”

  • Let others live their truth as long as it’s not harmful
  • Work to learn and be open to learning

Humble and open to learning and new experiences

Don’t overestimate themselves or seek out ego trips

  • Take each situation as it comes realistically
  • Plan for the future with practical common sense and reasonable, informed optimism
  • Being truly spiritual means being humble in the true sense
  • Own your power and connection with the earth

Putting yourself first

You can’t get to your goals unless you have a plan, and even then, plans fail

  • Jeanette Brown’s Life Journal workshop puts YOU in the driving seat of your life
  • How much do you want it? Are you willing to put the effort in to get there?

A final word

Being spiritual is not a competition

  • We become truly spiritual and effective people when we embrace the interconnectedness of life and our link to each other
  • You don’t need to chant or visualize your chakras to be spiritual
  • Spiritual experiences are all around you and within you

They’re done with pointing fingers and stirring up conflict

Spiritual people are done with drama and conflict. They don’t “get off” on arguments or gossip.

  • Pointing fingers or giving out blame no longer feels like anything but weakness. It just tires them out, because they see how unnecessary and draining it all is.

Injustice and Egotism Make Them genuinely Sad

Spiritual people feel disappointment when they see others fall victim to the same temptations and instincts as they do.

  • They know a better way is possible, and they use this as the bedrock of their teaching and healing.

Understand and Embrace Your Own Power

A spiritual person knows the difference between ego and power.

  • Ego is acting out of fear and greed and wanting to have “more” while power is knowing that when you win I win
  • We get far more from the help we give others than we will from cars, homes, and possessions

Stop buying into toxic spirituality

Some gurus and experts that preach spirituality do so with our best interests at heart.

  • Rudá Iandé, a shaman from Tibet, promotes spiritual empowerment from within
  • He puts the focus solely onto you, putting you back in the driver’s seat of your spiritual journey

They care about their surroundings and the realities of daily life

The spiritual person relishes making a delicious meal, sharing an evening with a glass of wine and a loved one’s company, or even playing a fun board game with family and enjoying the magic of laughter. They’re fully in the present and engaged with the reality of everyday life.
