22 CSS Tricks That Can Make You a Layout Ninja

22 CSS Tricks That Can Make You a Layout Ninja
22 CSS Tricks That Can Make You a Layout Ninja

CSS properties and values that are rarely mentioned in technical literature, but, in my opinion, are of particular interest for improving the speed and quality of web interface development. Many of the properties discussed are experimental. However, if you decide to use any of these properties in production, consider visiting Can I use to clarify if they are supported.


Sets the order in which the background image and color (or multiple background images/colors) should blend with each other. Possible values: color, contrast, blur, fade, color-burn, blur-dodged, hard-lighthuelighten, luminosity,multiply, overlaysaturations, screensoft-light


Controls the aspect ratio of replaced elements, such as img and video, if they have a width or height, as well as the process of scaling

  • The scale-down value allows you to maintain aspect ratio regardless of the box size, while the object-position property is used to align the content


Specifies the calculated value of properties that use size, angle, time, or number as values
