3 Bad Leadership Habits to Leave Behind This Year

3 Bad Leadership Habits to Leave Behind This Year

As we usher in a new year, it's time to reassess our leadership styles. Let's explore three detrimental habits that could be hindering your leadership potential and discuss why it's crucial to leave them behind.

Leadership Habits to Leave in the Past

Though 2022 has started off repeating some of the same headlines as early 2021 – a surge in Covid cases and uncertainty surrounding office reopenings and in-person schooling, along with the dual reality of anxiety about the most contagious variant of the pandemic yet for some and an “over it”mentality for others – it doesn’t mean that we should repeat the leadership mistakes we made in 2021 or even 2020.

Talking About Putting the Genie Back in the Bottle

The past is the past, and it’s behind us. Unlike salmon, who reliably swim upstream to spawn in the same spot for generations, our route to the past is irreversibly blocked.

Cameras Off

Building rapport and understanding requires paying attention to the nonverbal cues and what is being said

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