3 Overlooked Ways to Boost Mental Health

3 Overlooked Ways to Boost Mental Health
3 Overlooked Ways to Boost Mental Health

Mental health is better understood as “whole-being” health. Seek out diverse novel experiences and embrace uncertainty and impermanence. Simply talking and listening to others also deliver real mental-health benefits.

Embrace the Anxiety of Uncertainty…and Life’s Impermanence

  • Tolerating, and even embracing, the unpredictable nature of life stimulates a greater appreciation for simply being alive; for enjoying what is, in this moment of time
  • Savouring the small things in life pulls you out of immersion in daily ups and downs, the fears and worries about things that you’re trying to control but inevitably are unable to

Seek New and Diverse Experiences

  • When you consciously seek out and open yourself to new experiences, you stimulate the growth and expansion of multiple facets of your being
  • Embracing new experiences and gratitude for your existence, at this moment, lifts you from conflicts or disappointments you might be experiencing

Talking and Listening to Others

  • Engaging in small talk with people, and listening to them in return, has benefits for your essential cognitive and mental capacities as you age
  • Connecting with others in meaningful ways tends to make people happier and increase well-being, and age does not automatically lead to declining mental abilities
