3 Things I Learned Growing Up Rich

3 Things I Learned Growing Up Rich
3 Things I Learned Growing Up Rich

I love talking about being in a rich family because 1) I always get a lot of flak for it, 2) no one believes me when they look me up and down, and 3) it’s an experience few people get to have, statistically speaking, which makes it interesting.

Happiness Can Be Bought (Sort of)

Money can buy happiness.

  • There are many gateway drugs to happiness, and money can buy many of them: cars, watches, sex, power, chocolate, or anything else that could genuinely fulfill you, but happiness is more easily found.

Wealth can be a source of many problems

The average rich person spends more time thinking about money than the average normal person

  • However, it is easy to chase more because it isn’t as clear that the upper extreme is harmful
  • Everyone knows that not having enough money for food is bad, but few people know that doing a job you hate for the sole purpose of growing your bank balance is harmful

Tactical: Relationships open doors

You don’t need to have it, you just have to know someone who does.

  • The best part is you don’t actually need to be wealthy to take advantage of this. It’s just about building genuine human connections, which you can do no matter what.

Money bought me Canada

Travel is something money can buy which could lead to happiness

  • I went to college in Edmonton, Alberta, and though I was only there for nine months, it was enough time to experience the transition from positive 20 to negative 40
  • This comfort in the cold weather instantly made me happier and calmer, which led to me forming the most valuable relationships I’ve ever known.
  • Money can buy happiness if you know what you’re doing

Wellness: Diversity is the greatest asset of the rich

It’s not the caviar or the strippers, it’s the variety you can afford

  • Maintain a healthy wealth mindset based on wisdom derived from breadth of knowledge
  • Money shouldn’t be placed on a pedestal, it should be shared with the people you trust

Everyone Has the Same Problems

But rich people have worse ones.

  • Money makes the vast majority of things easier, which encourages/predisposes people to settle for comfort as opposed to growth. This comfort creates many internal problems which are very difficult to fix, over time.
