3 Things You Need to Stop Doing to Get Started

3 Things You Need to Stop Doing to Get Started
3 Things You Need to Stop Doing to Get Started

Getting started with doing what you want to do in life can be challenging. No matter if what you want is to start exercising, create your own business on the side, write a book, see other parts of the world, improve your relationship with yourself, or do something entirely else. But often we make getting started a lot harder than it needs to be by standing in our own way.

Stop making it a huge and vague thing in your mind

  • The more you think about whatever you want to get started with the bigger it tends to become in your head
  • Get knowledge from others who have been where you want to go
  • Ask yourself: Honestly, what is realistically the worst that could happen?
  • The clarity you get from this question can reduce fears quite a bit

Stop trying to control everything

  • Being prepared and knowing some things certainly helps, but it can become a trap when you try to control it all
  • Do realize that you will stumble and that is OK
  • If you reflect on what you can learn from a mistake then that will be invaluable to help you grow and improve
  • Learn to set time limits for small decisions at first
  • Start small and set a 30-60 second time limit when trying to decide if you are going to work out or reply to an email

Stop thinking that you have to get started in a big and spectacular way

  • Ask yourself, what is one small step I can take today to get the ball rolling with my goal/dream?
  • Focus on just the one step you are taking and step forward
  • Otherwise, it is easy to get lost in thought, to go off track or to feel uncomfortable or fearful
