4 Keys to Genius

4 Keys to Genius
4 Keys to Genius

The first key to genius is Growth. People who excel at the highest level are committed to growth and consistent improvement. It’s not about perfection but progress because practice makes progress. In what ways are you committed to the growth mindset? Have you scheduled that growth into your calendar? People say they want better health and more income…but if you don’t schedule it, it won’t happen


When you learn and grow with the intention to give, you have more of yourself

  • You don’t give to get, you give because it’s who you are
  • The road to excellence isn’t about “me.” It’s about “we”
  • Everything in nature gives or is eliminated, which means you grow and have more to give


Create a gratitude board

  • Write down everything you have in your life that money can’t buy
  • It will help you appreciate the things you’ll eventually have if you don’t appreciate what you have now
  • Success builds on success – but you must appreciate the success you already have


Grit is perseverance, persistence, and your ability to overcome difficulties

  • You build grit through practice
  • Challenge leads to change
  • Many people who’ve faced adversity say they wouldn’t change anything because this adversity gave them a mission and a new sense of meaning they couldn’t get anywhere else
  • Bruce Lee once said, “If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life.”
