4 Tips to Help You Accept & Embrace Change

4 Tips to Help You Accept & Embrace Change
4 Tips to Help You Accept & Embrace Change

Change is inevitable. It is like a river flowing downstream, following the law of gravity. When you resist it, it feels like trying to row upstream during a flood. When you accept change and embrace it, it is like water easily flowing downstream. So here are a few tips to help you deal with and embrace change.

Event + Response = Outcome

  • It is your response to any event, and not the event itself, that determines the outcome you experience
  • Whenever a change happens that seems like a tragedy, always remember there is a gift in it
  • Every negative event contains the seed of an equal or greater benefit

Acknowledge Your Fears, and Take Action

  • Give yourself permission to acknowledge and experience whatever fears show up along the way, and then take action anyway
  • Allow yourself to feel the fear, and don’t let it stop you, especially the fear to succeed

Always Create Positive Outcomes

  • Believe it’s possible to create positive outcomes no matter what change is happening around you
  • Your mind is a powerful instrument, and when you learn how to properly use it, you can create anything and everything you want
  • The first step is to choose to believe that what you want is possible
  • A belief is simply a thought you consciously choose to think over and over until it becomes automatic
  • You can delete old beliefs very quickly with new techniques

Use the Power of “Acting as if”

See yourself as already being the kind of person who can successfully adapt to any kind of change, and then start showing up in the world as that person. Ask yourself:

  • What kind of person do I need to be in order to achieve the best possible outcome?
  • What thoughts do I need to think?
  • What pictures do I need to visualize?
  • How do I need to behave and what do I need to do?
