5 Most Important Inventions of all Time

5 Most Important Inventions of all Time
5 Most Important Inventions of all Time

The world as we know it today is convenient and fun to be in because of certain inventions which have made all the difference from being medieval to being modern humans. Here are the 5 most important inventions of all time which have truly made their own marks in history and have made their mark on the world.


Alexander Graham Bell thought of how to communicate even from afar by converting the human voice into electric signals

  • His development of the telephone was the forerunner of the communication convenience we all experience today
  • The telephone was his inspiration for the invention of the modern electronic telephone

Light bulb

Thomas Edison perfected the light bulb after 100 tries


Benjamin Franklin and his kite experiment

  • Nikola Tesla
  • Electricity is the driving force behind most of the everyday items which we use today
  • From home entertainment to the lights outside the road, electricity is behind it
  • Many people have had a hand in the invention of electricity


To get to other foreign destinations faster, the best way today is by plane
