5 Reasons Why You Must Know Your Worth

5 Reasons Why You Must Know Your Worth
5 Reasons Why You Must Know Your Worth

Low self-esteem and unrecognized worth tend to lead to bad relationships, the inability to reach your potential, bad decision-making, unhappiness, and a host of other problems. Yet, these traps created by the enemy can be avoided when you begin to recognize your value and true worth.

You Will Experience Better Relationships

There is a sad scenario that occurs over and over again. And it’s the scenario in which an individual keeps winding up in abusive relationships, whether the abuse is mental or physical.

Whether the relationship is a love relationship, a platonic relationship, a work relationship, or any other type of relationship, the value that you place upon yourself impacts that relationship.

You Will Find Confidence in Being Uniquely You

  • When you know your worth you will embrace the uniqueness of who you are
  • Every unique and quirky characteristic you posses you will celebrate
  • You won’t compare yourself to others or try to suppress or modify your unique self in an effort to conform to society

You Will Be Happier

Happiness doesn’t come from how much money you have, the clothes you wear, the house you live in, the car you drive, or how people perceive you. True happiness comes from embracing who God called you to be so that you can fulfil His purposes for your life. And the easiest way to do that is to know your worth.

You Will Accomplish More

  • When you know your worth you develop an “I can” mentality
  • This is a mentality that doesn’t listen to the naysayers or the voices in your own head that say, “you can’t”
  • You move forward in confidence knowing that you were created for good works
  • And because you embrace the “I can” mentality, you push yourself to work harder and to operate with excellence

You Will Make Better Decisions

  • Knowing your worth gives you the confidence to prioritize yourself and say no to things that you need to be saying no to
  • When you know your worth you won’t easily fall into the trap of people pleasing
  •  You no longer fear how others will react in response to your decision to say no
  • Your decisions are based on principle rather than fear of letting others down
