5 Techniques to Try for Lucid Dreaming

5 Techniques to Try for Lucid Dreaming
5 Techniques to Try for Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming is when you’re conscious during a dream. This typically happens during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the dream-stage of sleep. During a lucid dream, you’re aware of your consciousness. It’s a form of metacognition or awareness of your awareness. Here is how to have a lucid dream using 5 methods:

Wake-initiated lucid dreaming (WILD)

A wake-initiated lucid dream (WILD) happens when you directly enter a dream from waking life. It’s said WILD helps your mind stays conscious while your body goes to sleep.

You’ll need to lay down and relax until you experience a hypnagogic hallucination, or a hallucination that occurs when you’re just about to fall asleep. WILD is simple, but it’s difficult to learn.

Mnemonic induction of lucid dreams

Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD) is based on a behavior called prospective memory, which involves setting an intention to do something later. In MILD, you make the intention to remember that you’re dreaming. Here’s how to use the MILD technique:

  1. As you fall asleep, think of a recent dream
  2. Identify a “dreamsign,” or something that’s irregular or strange in the dream. An example is the ability to fly
  3. Think about returning to the dream. Acknowledge that the dreamsign only happens when you dream
  4. Tell yourself, “The next time I dream, I want to remember that I am dreaming.” Recite the phrase in your head

Keeping a dream journal

  • Write down your dreams so you can remember what happens during each dream
  • For best results, log your dreams as soon as you wake up
  • It’s also recommended to read your dream journal often
  • Keep a log of your dreams to help you recognize dreamsigns and enhance awareness

Reality testing

Reality testing increases metacognition by training your mind to notice your own awareness. To enhance your metacognition, you can do reality tests while you’re awake. To try reality testing, follow these steps several times a day:

  1. Ask yourself, “Am I dreaming?”
  2. Check your environment to confirm whether you’re dreaming.
  3. Notice your own consciousness and how you’re engaging with your surroundings.

You can set an alarm every 2 to 3 hours to remind yourself to do a reality check.

Wake back to bed

Wake back to bed (WBTB) involves entering REM sleep while you’re still conscious. There are many versions of WBTB, but consider this technique:

  1. Set an alarm for 5 hours after your bedtime
  2. Go to sleep as usual
  3. When the alarm goes off, stay up for 30 minutes. Enjoy a quiet activity like reading
  4. Fall back asleep

When you go back to sleep, you’ll be more likely to lucid dream. While you’re awake, choose any activity that requires full alertness.
