5 Things You Need to Do to Be in the Top 1%

5 Things You Need to Do to Be in the Top 1%
5 Things You Need to Do to Be in the Top 1%

The top 5 things that surfaced recurringly in my conversations at work that make me wonder what they do differently at the company’s annual day at work and why they do it differently than other companies do it, and how to avoid it. Let’s dive in!

Having a bias for action

Bias for action simply means possessing the superpower of “getting things done.”

  • All your SMART goals and elaborate planning will go down the drain if you can’t implement them.
  • Break down your big plan into small actionable items. Set deadlines for each task and cut off all distractions till you complete your task list.

Being Dynamic

Don’t get fixated on a problem and never complain to your manager about changes in your scope of work. Instead, use these changes as an opportunity to be innovative and demonstrate how quickly you can adapt to new circumstances.

  • You can always ask for help in the beginning, but don’t be in a situation where your manager has to constantly motivate you to pick up the pieces.

Articulating better

Prepare a mind map of talking points before you meet with the audience to gauge their level of knowledge about the topic you are speaking about.

  • Similarly, do this before preparing for a presentation. Write down all points, divide your slides accordingly and highlight the key takeaway in each one.

Solving boss’s problems

Think about what your boss’s business problems are and how you can make them more effective

  • Achieving your KRAs is one way to make your boss effective, but what about understanding their pain points and solving them?
  • Try reducing their workload if you can.

Why is being in the top 1% even important?

For previous generations, their jobs were just a source of income.

  • However, for us, our jobs are much more intellectual stimulation, a way to showcase our abilities and what we are made of.
  • This is why succeeding at work dominates our thoughts day and night.

Stay Autonomous

Don’t look up to your manager for decisions, make your own decisions and keep them in the loop.

  • Try removing obstacles yourself before asking for help. Go to your boss with a list of possible solutions instead of a problem and let them know the solutions.
