5 things you should know about your brain

5 things you should know about your brain
5 things you should know about your brain

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Your brain may only

Your brain may only weigh 3 pounds, but it holds the ultimate power that invented millions of scientific marvels that our world depends upon.

You’ve got more than 100 billion neurons inside your brain transmitting information at the speed of a bullet train. That’s almost equal to the total number of stars in our galaxy!

Look at 5 amazing things about your brain that you should be aware of.

Attraction Towards NegativityYour brain

Attraction Towards Negativity

Your brain is inclined towards negative thoughts. 

In ancient times, paying attention to dangerous, negative, and bad things in the world was literally a matter of life and death.

Those who were more attentive to dangerous and negative things were more likely to survive.

Though you don’t need to be that attentive anymore, your brain still pays more attention to something that may harm you in the future.

Rewire Your BrainIf you

Rewire Your Brain

If you like to learn something new or to give up an old bad habit, you can do that in just 3 to 4 weeks. You only have to take one step forward towards your goal every day.

Once you visualize what you want, you just need to take actions that’ll rewire your brain as per your preferences.

However, the final result will depend on your consistency and the intensity of performing those actions.

A Multitasking MythOnly 2%

A Multitasking Myth

Only 2% of human beings can multitask efficiently. This is because the human brain cannot process information from two different sources at the same time.

The tasks that you regularly perform become a part of your subconscious mind. This way it doesn’t stress your brain every time you perform a regular task.

This makes it even easier and faster to switch between the two tasks. The transition is so dynamic that you would feel like you’re multitasking.

But in reality, you’re not.

Laughing Is Good For

Laughing Is Good For Brain

Research shows that laughing literally improves your mental health as it releases the feel-good hormones, namely dopamine and serotonin in your brain.

Laughing also helps in decreasing pain while improving the resiliency of your body by releasing endorphins in your brain. 

So, laugh and spread happiness because you never know who might be needing it.

Placebo SleepA placebo is

Placebo Sleep

A placebo is something that seems to be a real treatment, but it isn’t. It is effective only because of the patient’s belief in the treatment. 

Similarly, you can easily fool your brain into believing that you’ve had enough sleep, even when you haven’t. 

Just by thinking that you’ve got a good sleep you can make your brain work more efficiently and in a much better way.
