5 Things You Should Never Do in the Morning

5 Things You Should Never Do in the Morning
5 Things You Should Never Do in the Morning

If you ever feel like you don’t get enough done in the day, it’s because you’re doing what you should never do in the morning. Here are five common morning mistakes that are holding you back and what you must never do to get more done.

Never Hit the Snooze Button

When you hit the snooze button, you subconsciously tell your big goals and dreams that they don’t matter.

  • Make the mindset switch this habit. When your alarm goes off, wake up with a mindset of taking on the day and tackling your top project.

Never mindlessly surf the Internet

Add a time tracker application to your computer and mobile phone that can tell you how much time you spend each day on every website you visit, from Facebook to Instagram to CNN.com.

  • Another program called Internet Freedom can block you from visiting certain websites or from using the Internet at all during certain times.

Never Eat or Drink Food That Makes You Feel Unwell

Establish cause and effect between what goes in your mouth and how you feel in your mind

  • When you find the right fuel for your efficiency, you can double or triple your productivity, even if you already have an effective morning routine in place

Never Write Your To-Do List

You need to know your number one priority the night before, and have a plan in place to start working on it immediately

Never Check Email

You are much better off going to work on your top priority with a clear mind.

  • Give at least 30 minutes, if not 60 or more, to your highest priority work so you can make profound progress in the work. Avoid scrolling through email and wasting time.
