5 Tips for How to Read Faster Without Losing Comprehension

5 Tips for How to Read Faster Without Losing Comprehension
5 Tips for How to Read Faster Without Losing Comprehension

Unlock the secrets to swift, effective reading without compromising comprehension. Discover five transformative tips that will revolutionize your reading habits, enhancing speed while maintaining a firm grasp on the material. Prepare to redefine your reading experience.

How to read faster

There are so many books, so little time. How can you get through them more quickly?

  • Don’t be tempted to think that if you don’t start early enough, it’s too late.
  • Skip less important chapters or not read the entire page are detrimental to reading faster

Read phrases, not words

Take in phrases or chunks of text at a time, rather than individual words.

Quit Re-reading

According to Tim Ferriss, author of The Four-Hour Work Week, “The untrained subject engages in regression (conscious rereading) and back-skipping” for up to 30 percent of total reading time.

  • Let go of having to fully comprehend every single sentence or paragraph in order to enjoy reading.

Skim or scan the text first

Skimming and scanning, two techniques that involve looking only for the most relevant bits of information first, will prime you for what’s to come

  • Since you’re already familiar with the main parts of the text, you won’t be slowed down by confusing or surprising parts when you come to them in your reading

Read more

Setting goals forces you to carve out more time for reading, and the more books you read, the faster you get at reading them.

  • Enjoy the books you want to read at your own pace, and don’t be pressured to read them all at once.

Stop subvocalizing

By stopping that voice in your head, you can nearly double your reading pace.

  • The easiest thing to do is to be conscious of it and to distract yourself somehow – use your finger to follow the words, listen to music, or chew gum.
