5 ways to take the lead of your performance review

5 ways to take the lead of your performance review

Stepping into the driver's seat of your performance review can be empowering. Discover five strategies to take charge, transform the process into a constructive dialogue, and ultimately, steer your career growth in the direction you desire.

Performance rating and employee development-they’re the Fred and Ginger of Corporate America. Where one goes, the other follows.

Recently more and more companies are drastically reframing or ditching their annual performance rating process altogether. Why?

Accept the feedback, implement it, and apply it

When someone offers helpful information, be sure you are thoughtful about incorporating it into the way you work.

Own your résumé of yay

Be aware of what you need to do to improve

Make sure you’re clear on the expectations

Have a conversation with your direct supervisor about their expectations regarding your role and responsibilities

Adopt a growth mindset

Remind yourself that while you may have not mastered a certain skill or achieved a goal yet, you certainly can.

Ask for feedback

If your company doesn’t have a formal, regular feedback process in place, ask


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