6 activities to celebrate Earth Day at home🌏

6 activities to celebrate Earth Day at home🌏
6 activities to celebrate Earth Day at home🌏

Earth day is a day created to bring awareness to the Earth and nature. It serves as a reminder that we are responsible for the safe-keeping of the planet for the generations to come. Here are many earth day activities to help you play your part in bettering the world.

When is Earth Day?

Celebrated on 22 April every year

  • The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 following the oil spill in Santa Barbara in January 1969
  • Senator Gaylord Nelson started the idea of Earth Day as a way to infuse student anti-war activism into the emerging consciousness of the public about pollution
  • He recruited young activist Denis Hayes to maximize student support and changed the name to Earth Day
  • 20 million people took to the streets to protest the effects of human activity on the environment

How can you celebrate Earth Day 2021?

Earth Day is designed and invented to create awareness against burning issues such as climate change, pollution, dying sea life, dwindling natural resources, deforestation and so much more.

  • It is easy to help in small ways – here are some activities you can do at home to celebrate.

Make digital posters and cards

Instead of using paper, use digital media

Plant a plant

Trees and plants help the environment by producing oxygen and purifying the air

Educate others:

Use this opportunity to inform others of the dangers of not protecting the world seriously

Recycle and upcycle:

Used products can be used to create beautiful crafts and other useful items

Make your own paper

Shred old, non-useful paper and create beautiful, eco-friendly paper by cutting, pasting, and pressing it into the shape of your desired desired product.
