6 Daily Habits of Gratitude That Attract More Abundance and Joy

6 Daily Habits of Gratitude That Attract More Abundance and Joy
6 Daily Habits of Gratitude That Attract More Abundance and Joy

Daily habits of gratitude and appreciation are one of the highest emotional states you can experience. When you cultivate gratitude, you’re able to feel true joy and contentment, no matter what you have or don’t have in your life. Here are 6 simple tips on how to make gratitude – one of the most important habits of successful people – a natural daily habit:

Take 7 minutes each morning to write down everything you appreciate in life

Starting your day this way primes you to be receptive and grateful for everything your day will bring. It also helps you cultivate an air of positivity that makes you naturally more attractive to other positive people – and inspires them to want to help you achieve your goals.

Carry a physical token of gratitude in your pocket

  • A heart-shaped stone, crystal, or some other small item can bring you back to your daily habit practice of gratitude
  • Use it as a reminder to stop, breathe, and take a moment to experience gratitude

Remember to appreciate the smallest blessings

  • The best way to activate your gratitude is by acknowledging the gifts most people take for granted
  • If you have food in your refrigerator, clothes in your closet and a roof over your head, you are better off than 75% of the world’s population

Make a conscious effort to appreciate at least 3 people every day

  • By letting people know how much you appreciate them, you increase their own sense of appreciation and self-worth, and you encourage them to pay this positive energy forward to other people
  • While most people enjoy receiving verbal appreciation, written notes are also nice because they can be saved

Appreciate yourself

  • Don’t forget to appreciate your own positive qualities and accomplishments
  • by faithfully practising the daily habits of gratitude, you’ll begin to change your conditioning
  • Even the smallest act of gratitude will have a positive impact on your life

Play the appreciation game

  • Set a specific time each day to consciously appreciate everything you encounter
  • Appreciate the people you pass, the road you walk on, the cars that let you merge into a different lane, the street signs that make it easy for you to know where you’re going, the rain that’s nourishing the plants and trees, etc
