6 Morning Habits That’ll Make You Feel Like You Have Your Life Together

6 Morning Habits That’ll Make You Feel Like You Have Your Life Together
6 Morning Habits That’ll Make You Feel Like You Have Your Life Together

The hours between when my first kid comes in whining for breakfast and I sit down to start my workday are anarchy. Here are six extremely simple and expert-backed habits that can help you feel like you’ve got your life together. Or at least, together-ish.

Use an alarm clock

An alarm clock is an old school clock, not your phone

  • Do not let someone else dictate what is on your mind first thing
  • Once you check your phone, you are in panic mode, and it is difficult to kick back into a more relaxed state

Drink a glass of water

It hydrates and balances your body, and gives you a sense of accomplishment

  • Start small and simple so you can be successful
  • Try adding stretching and other exercises to your routine as you get into a more regular routine, like stretching daily.

Listen to something that makes you feel the way you want to feel

Find out what it is you are looking to feel more of in the a.m. and then put on something that helps you get there

  • Use that time that you spend getting ready or feeding everybody or whatever your have-to-do things in the morning include and give it some background ambiance that is really going to set you up to feel good

Do a 30-second gratitude practice.

As you lay in bed, tell yourself: “I’m here. I have the blessing of a bed. I’m in shelter.” It won’t change the fact that you might have a stressful day ahead of you, but it will help root you in the bigger picture.

Move your body

Exercise releases endorphins, which can be a great stress reliever.

  • You really can keep it super short and sweet. Find something that works for your mornings that you’ll never get to and then feel bad about not doing it earlier in the morning.

Set a daily intention

Debra Swan, a Chicago-based health coach who works with clients around the country, recommended thinking about one to three things that you want to accomplish today that you “can realistically get done.”

  • Another way to think about intentions is to set a goal for how you’d like to feel throughout the day.
  • Try it out and see what works best for you
