6 Signs You’re Dealing With ‘Hurry Sickness’ (And What To Do About It)

6 Signs You’re Dealing With ‘Hurry Sickness’ (And What To Do About It)
6 Signs You’re Dealing With ‘Hurry Sickness’ (And What To Do About It)

Are you constantly racing against the clock, feeling perpetually rushed? You might be suffering from 'Hurry Sickness'. Let's delve into the six telltale signs of this modern-day malady and explore effective strategies to regain control of your time and peace of mind.

Hurry sickness is a behavior pattern (not a diagnosable condition) characterized by chronic rushing and anxiousness and an overwhelming, persistent sense of urgency – even when there’s no need to be moving so fast.

A component of the broader Type A personality complex

  • If one is chronically in a hurry, one is also very likely to be highly driven to achieve small outcomes in the short term, to be competitive, and to be impatient with others

Advice On How To Deal With ‘Hurry Sickness’

Consider what’s truly time-sensitive and what can wait

  • Rethink your view of time, how you relate to it, and what is really important to you
  • Carve out small windows of time for self-care
  • Create an evening routine that helps you wind down and ease into sleep
  • Give yourself time to think
  • Get support from loved ones
  • Changing deeply ingrained behaviors isn’t easy, but you don’t have to do it alone

What Hurry Sickness Looks Like

Type A personalities tend to deal with “hurry sickness”

  • Treat everything like a race
  • Multitasking is your M.O.
  • Get irritable when encountering a delay
  • Feel perpetually behind schedule
  • Interrupt or talk over people
  • Have a habit of cutting people off mid-conversation
  • You are obsessed with checking things off your to-do list

How Living This Way Can Be Damaging Over Time

Chronic stress can weaken your immune system and interfere with your sleep schedule and energy levels.

  • It impacts our behaviors, especially toward others and situations that delay us, resulting in feelings of failure, being irritable and hypersensitive, and angry and frustrated.
