6 Truths About Exercise That Nobody Wants to Believe

6 Truths About Exercise That Nobody Wants to Believe
6 Truths About Exercise That Nobody Wants to Believe

6 exercise tips, weightlifting basics, the best exercises to start with, and training essentials that nobody wants to believe, but everyone should follow. Success in the gym, as with most things in life, comes down to mastering the basics. All you have to do is focus on these simple concepts and you’ll see results

Commit for the long-term

Most people work out with a short-term goal in mind

  • The goal is to regain your health for the rest of your life
  • Ignore short term results, they will come anyway
  • Live a healthy life is not a sacrifice, it is normal

Set a schedule for your training

Most people never train consistently because they are always wondering when they are going to train next.

  • Stop treating exercise as something to do when it’s convenient and start setting a schedule. Let your schedule govern your actions, not your level of motivation.

Record your workouts

What gets measured, gets managed

  • Track your progress with a small notebook
  • Look back and see how you’re making long-term progress
  • See on which dates you trained and how often you were on schedule
  • Verify that you did the best exercises each workout
  • Build up volume and develop a foundation of strength

Focus on the best exercises

The more an exercise makes you move, the bigger the benefits it will deliver.

  • This is why the clean and jerk and the ****** are the kingpins of weightlifting. They are the exercises that force your body to move the most and the quickest.

What You Should Do Now

Set a schedule

  • When and where, exactly, are you going to train?
  • Focus on exercises that make you move a lot.
  • Start with a weight that is very light and train for volume before intensity. Slowly increase the weight each week.

Start light and train for volume before intensity

Everyone wants to jump in and max out with a weight that is “hard”

  • Training to failure is a good way to wear yourself down, not build yourself up
  • Focusing on volume now allows you to handle the intensity later on

Make Slow, Slow Progress Each Week

If you want to see progress weekly, then you have to progress each week.

  • Add 5 pounds each week, rest for 15 seconds less between sets, and add an extra set this week. These are all ways of changing the stimulus and forcing your body to slowly and methodically get better.
